Monday, May 10, 2010


ive been working hard on figuring out this diorama recently

the idea is kinda lke....some guardsmen were hunting a skilled stealth suit that was just killing their troops and den fading away, so a special force unit was sent to find and kill this stealth suit. in this diorama some guardsmen have the suit cornered but it isnt about to give up. it shoots down one of them and goes toe to toe against the other.... the guardsmen that is alive isnt built yet but he will be throwing knives xD

so far the diorama's base looks lke this

This is how the suit looks lke minus the guns and touch ups still to be made

and this is him in the base...

hope y'all enjoy

Saturday, May 1, 2010


SPeeesh marineh! done while playing some battlefield ;p who needs to roast marshmallows when u camp when u can draw a marine xD
